Poll: Why would you join a women’s networking group?

Eve, Le Blog Dernières contributions, Egalité professionnelle, Rôles modèles

You are a woman and you have joined a professional women’s networking group?

You are a man and you have chosen to join a women’s networking group, such as EVE to support gender equality at the workplace?

You are a woman or a man and you would like to join a professional women’s networking group?

EVEsien-nes in Evian, December 2011

What are your motivations?

What are your expectations of such a networking group?

What kind of effects or results have you noticed after joining a group?

The blog EVE collects all your testimonies on this subject.

You can post your comments below or if you prefer to do it anonymously, you can send an email to: donzel.marie@gmail.com