What is “relational ecology”?

“Be the change you want to change in the world”, Gandhi said. It was a call for people to take responsibility for themselves; to become an instigator of transformation in their own environment. “Relational ecology” is defined as being a sustainable approach to the relationships that people can (must?) have with those around them. The editors of the webmagazine wanted to find out more.

Les tips : accueillir ses émotions et celles des autres

En plein boom du développement personnel, les livres, podcasts, conférences et autres webinars qui traitent de l’acceptation et de la gestion des émotions sont légion. Est-ce à dire que nous sommes tou·te·s devenu·e·s des “hypersensibles”…

Are you a change maker?

Be the change you want to see in the world.” Gandhi’s famous words could be a motto for the movers and shakers of this world, AKA “change makers”. But who really are these people who want to help the world go in the “right” direction? The EVE webmagazine investigates.