
Orange is an official sponsor of the EVE Program Africa 2017

Orange, as a digital and caring employer, places men and women at the heart of the strategy of the company, with a strong conviction: every employee is unique. Diversity of profiles and talents in the organization enriches the Group.
Professional equality between men and women is a strategic objective for which we commit on a daily basis. Support talents and specially women in their development and career path is essential to build the future of the Group.
All our affiliates in Africa establish and implement their own diversity policies to promote women in their countries.
In 2016, we launched an ambitious program entitled Nos femmes ont du talent (Our women have got talent), which is designed not only to encourage women to work in many different disciplines on business issues linked with Orange’s Essentiels2020 strategic plan, but also to promote their personal development and benefit the entire community.
This event is set to be rolled out across the board to every African affiliate, to promote and spotlight the talents of all our women.


Tiphaine David le Mahier

Tiphaine David le Mahier

Group HR Transformation Manager, Crédit Agricole S.A.

Cécile Courtaud

Cécile Courtaud

Directrice développement des talents et dirigeants

Stéphanie Nervegna

Stéphanie Nervegna

Talents director, Culture and Transformation, KPMG

Sylvie Pecher Picard

Sylvie Pecher Picard

Program Director-Corporate University, SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE

Anne Blanquet

Anne Blanquet

Manager and Executive Development Director - SNCF

Yasmina Jaidi

Yasmina Jaidi

Global Head - L'Oréal University for Leadership & Culture

Brigitte Sabotier

Brigitte Sabotier

Talent Management Leaders Director, ORANGE

Marie-Agnès Debar

Marie-Agnès Debar

Internal Executive Coach, DANONE