She Leads: News about women empowerment

Eve, Le Blog Dernières contributions, Leadership

Welcome to a new entry of our bi-monthly press review about women empowerment, featured on Instagram and our website. Below, you will find five stories we recommend. We hope you enjoy your read!

Leading Growth

Women-Run Start-Ups Achieve More Revenue

According to research research by the Boston Consulting Group and MassChallenge, a US-based global network of accelerators. Their study looked at the growth of 1,500 US businesses since 2010, all of them supported by MassChallenge.

Source: Quartz

Going Backwards

Female Participation in the US Workforce Is Declining

At the turn of the century, the US was an international example. Now it’s falling behind other industrialized countries, such as Japan, the UK, France and Germany.

Source: Bloomberg

Exceptional Gap

Women Dominate the Gender Pay Gap in a Few Industries

A rundown with data from the US Census Bureau looks at a few cases where women earn more than their male counterparts.

Source: Bizwomen

New Wisdom

Is the Advice of “Leaning in” Outdated?

New research suggest that women are “leaning in” and asking for pay raises, but structural sexism, not women’s lack of asking, is the barrier.

Source: Brit+Co

Lonely at the Top

Women Leaders Don’t Expect Much Support

A qualitative study looked at the paths of female CEOs, distilling some of the hard  lessons they learned getting the top job.

Source: Harvard Business Review