“When social impacts business”: a video to sum up Danone’s approach

Eve, Le Blog Best Practices, Social Impact, Leadership, Role models

To understand what a dual economic and social project means, a video with Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber, that sums up Danone’s approach.




While the dual economic and social project runs through all Danone’s activities, several programmes and platforms are particularly emblematic of this ambition:

– danone.communities, a fund and social business incubator that supports social businesses all over the world. It started in 2005 with the co-creation of Grameen Danone Foods with Professor Muhammad Yunus, and other projects followed, such as La Laiterie du Berger and 1001 Fountains (shown in the video).

– the Danone Ecosystem Fund, which strives to benefit Danone’s immediate environment by empowering its small stakeholders through support for 45 projects all over the world. These projects include Milk Collection Communities in Egypt and Pepenadores in Mexico, both shown in the video.

– Dan’Cares, Danone’s programme to provide health coverage and benefits to its employees all over the world, including in countries where the social security system is not sufficient.

To learn more about these programmes, you can read our related articles and explore the danone.communities and Danone Ecosystem Fund websites.



Original article from the website Down to earth, published courtesy of Danone.