The “Anticancer Lifestyle Program”: an online lifestyle transformation course

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One of our EVE speaker, Meg Hirshberg, created an amazing lifestyle program to help fight chronical diseases. As a cancer survivor, she decided to share everything she understood with the largest audience. We’re happy to help her to reach this objective !

    Everyone knows that the cheapest and best form of health care is not getting sick in the first place.  And yet, so little money and effort is put into prevention.  It’s no secret that most chronic illness is due to lifestyle, and results from the choices we make every day.

As a cancer survivor myself, I wondered what I could do to lower my odds of cancer recurrence.  My oncologist was of no help.  At around that time, I got to know Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, author of Anticancer:  A New Way of Life.  In his book, David compiled a mountain of evidence showing, beyond doubt, the critical role that lifestyle plays in the likelihood of getting cancer or cancer recurrence.  Anticancer influenced me profoundly.  It showed me how my behaviors influenced my health, and gave me the guidance I needed to strengthen my immune system and reduce inflammation in my body.

    Inspired by David, I invited several subject matter experts to help me create the online Anticancer Lifestyle Program. Our goal was to provide an accessible way for people to access concrete, evidence-based information about cancer prevention and risk reduction. But at heart, the course is a great way to promote healthy living and overall well-being.

Our course has five modules, which can be taken separately if desired:  Introduction/Lifestyle Change; Mindset, Diet, Fitness, and Environment.  All modules contain interactives, videos, animation, text, and some helpful quizzes, and are guided by subject matter experts credentialed in their fields.  In addition, our website has a “Toolkit” for each module, offering apps, videos, websites, books, and more, to help participants create their own Anticancer lifestyle.

    To get a sense of the course, please see our one-minute-long tour:  To register for the course, please see our website at  We hope you’ll join the ranks of those who have already taken the course.  For some of their comments, please see our testimonial page at

We hope you’ll join us!

Questions?  Send us an email at

Yours in health,

Meg Cadoux Hirshberg

President, Anticancer Lifestyle Foundation