Anissa Vermeil de Conchard

Certified NonViolent Communication® trainer and executive coach Founder of AV2C-CONSULTING

Following her engineering studies, Anissa worked in international IT consulting groups, quickly climbing the management ladder to become a director. After 15 years of a highly gratifying career, she certified as an executive coach and trainer, following her passion and endless curiosity for human relations. Her deep belief and empirical experience prove that effective communication skills and well-being in the workplace have a direct and measurable impact on business performance. For the past 8 years, she has been accompanying companies such as L’Oréal and Kering to train them in NonViolent Communication® (NVC). She also builds bridges between NVC and recent groundbreaking discoveries in neurobiology to share transformative approaches for fulfillment at work and general well-being. Anissa is born in Kenya, is of Indian origin and currently lives in France. She combines her multicultural background with her professional experience and has coached thousands of people in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America