What is eco-feminism?

We have two key issues on our agenda today: women and the environment, and we’re looking to see if there could be a connection between the two.
The approach taken by the ecofeminism movement interconnects the challenges of women’s empowerment with the challenges of environmental protection. But what is the ecofeminist movement really about? How did it get started? Who are its followers and figureheads? How does it make a difference? And what criticism has it drawn? The EVE webmagazine team takes a closer look.

Are you a change maker?

Be the change you want to see in the world.” Gandhi’s famous words could be a motto for the movers and shakers of this world, AKA “change makers”. But who really are these people who want to help the world go in the “right” direction? The EVE webmagazine investigates.

A closer look at Non-violent Communication

Dare we say it? Could the conflict in our lives (both at home and at work) be brought about not so much as a result of disagreements, but as a result of how we communicate with each other? What is communication anyway? It’s usually defined as when people oscillate between “listening” and “expressing”

What is wabi-sabi?

We’ve already learned about ikigai, now it’s time to find out about wabi-sabi! The Land of the Rising Sun contributes another approach to developing a balanced relationship with yourself and the world around you. But what exactly is it? The EVE webmagazine team takes a closer look.